【同义词辨析】 2019-05-27 英勇heroism-gallantry

heroism: implies superlative courage especially in fulfilling a high purpose against odds: the boy's outstanding act of ~ during the fire.   (superlative最高的最好的,形容词副词最高级implies the highest degree,如a superlative performance精彩绝伦的演出,如'fastest' is the superlative of the adjective 'fast','least famous' is the superlative degree of the adjective 'famous','most surely' is the superlative of the adverb 'surely')     (odds逆境,不利条件implies difficult, unfavorable conditions, 如she achieved business success against all odds尽管困难重重,她还是在商业上取得成功,如he reckoned the odds are against the scheme going ahead他认为实施这项计划的希望渺茫,这个词还表示概率可能性implies likelihood,如what are the odds of finding a job? 找到工作的可能性有多大?)

valor: implies illustrious bravery and vigorous audacity in fighting: awarded the army's highest honor for ~ in battle.  illustrious卓越杰出,强调与世长存的荣耀光辉stresses enduring and merited honor and glory attached to a deed or person,如the illustrious deeds of national heroes民族英雄的卓越事迹)  (audacity无畏,表示不顾通常的危险困难implies a disregard of common dangers and difficulties,如an entrepreneur with audacity and vision一个无畏有远见的企业家,如the Audacity of Hope无畏的希望是奥巴马2008年出的一本政论书)

prowess: stresses skill as well as bravery in both arms and other pursuits: demonstrated her ~ with a bow and arrow.

gallantry: implies dash and spirit as well as courage and an indifference to danger or hardship: special forces with a proud tradition of ~.   (dash猛冲to move suddenly and quickly,如the 100-meter dash百米赛跑, 如I'm sorry but I am late and have to dash很抱歉我迟到了,得马上走)

heroism英雄: 表示为了实现高尚目标克服重重困难,表现极大勇气,valor英勇: 指在战斗中表现出的卓越勇敢英勇无畏,prowess勇敢技艺高超: 强调既勇敢又有技艺,gallantry英勇: 表示勇猛意气,无视危险困苦

记忆方法: 1)首字母HVPG我给好评<==英勇

        2)英勇的意思是有巨大明显的勇气mean conspicuously courageous behavior.